Southampton C V Chandlers Ford D

SCL Clarke Cup - Div 4 & 5 Tue 22nd Oct 2024 19:30 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Southampton C V Chandlers Ford D Rating
1659 (1680) Sawers, Kevin
1 - 0
Yip, Hin Long Isaac
1459 (1527)
1590 (1612) Furnell, David
1 - 0
Lamb, Keven A
1411 (1376)
1352 (1340) Rawlins, Dean
½ - ½
Davis, John E
1398 (1398)
1174 (1164) Taylor, John
0 - 1
Pavey, Patrick F
1323 (1355)
Average 1444 2½ - 1½ 1398

Last update Somnath Mitra Tue 22nd Oct 2024 22:40. Reported by Somnath Mitra Tue 22nd Oct 2024 22:40. Verified By

Here is the Match Report …

Here is the Match Report 

Board 1: Kevin(black) had a competitive game against Isaac(white) but eventually won.

Board2 : David (white) came under pressure early on from Keven's(black) onslaught but defended well and managed to win two pawns and then his Knight and Bishop as well. Keven had a rook and Queen left and counterattacked but after blundering his Queen, Keven finally resigned.

Board 3 : Dean(Black) played the King's Indian with a closed middle game against John's white pieces. John sacrificed his Knight to open up Dean's kingside but without concrete results. In the endgame, John blundered one of his rooks but managed to keep checking Dean's King with his Queen which Dean could not escape, resulting in a draw.

Board 4: John(white) played Patrick(Black) and had a fairly even opening and traded Knight and a pawn for Patrick's Bishop but after Patrick found good attacking moves John, who was down on time Resigned.

Somnath Mitra