Lytham 2 V Lytham 3

Division B Thu 9th Feb 2023 00:00 Winner: Draw   Verify
Board Rating Lytham 2 V Lytham 3 Rating
1760 (1768) Raynor, Philip N
½ - ½
Pickering, Darren
1567 (1659)
1719 (1627) Aspinall, David E
1 - 0
Smith, Richard
1450 (1534)
1711 (1717) Morgan-Short, Andrei
½ - ½
Wilks, Colin
1494 (1471)
1511 (1469) Coleman, Patrick N
0 - 1
Smith, Graham
1450 (1508)
Total 6701 2 - 2 5961

Last update Phil Raynor Sat 11th Feb 2023 13:39. Reported by Phil Raynor Sat 11th Feb 2023 13:39. Verified By

Press / Admin Comment

A good result for Lytham 3 who were outgraded on all boards. Graham Smith, who is in form at the moment, had an extra pawn in the ending against Pat Coleman and made it count for the full point. Colin Wilks and Andrei Morgan-Short seemed to be level up to the point they agreed a draw. Phil Raynor carelessly lost a pawn against Darren Pickering in the early middle game but eventually managed to get to a drawn rook and pawn ending. Dave Aspinall also had a rook and pawn ending against Richard Smith but managed to score the win so that the match was drawn.

Phil Raynor