HDCA Nomads V The Gamibiteers
The Keddie Cup Wed 18th Oct 2023 19:30 Winner: Away Verify
Board | Rating | HDCA Nomads | V | The Gamibiteers | Rating |
1 | 1812 | Telukuntla, Sai Pavan G |
0 - 1 | G Cuaresma, Gerald |
1922 |
2 | 1305 | Arrowsmith, Thomas G |
0 - 1 | G O'Reilly, Rogan |
1076 |
3 | 0985 | Robinson-Cherry, Riley G |
0 - 1 | G Dawson-Jones, Henry |
0934 |
Total | 4102 | 0 - 3 | 3932 |
Last update Steve Westmoreland Wed 18th Oct 2023 20:29. Reported by Steve Westmoreland Wed 18th Oct 2023 20:29. Verified By