Argumentatives V Uckfield

Knock-Out Wed 30th Oct 2019 19:30 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Argumentatives V Uckfield Rating
186B (2087K) Farr, Peter G
0 - 1
Patrick, Chaski
198B (2042K)
171L (1742K) Pavlovic, Tim
1 - 0
McDonald, Simon
132E ()
149C () Graham, Jim
1 - 0
Stockham, Michael
131D (1730K)
145B (1755K) Kington, Paul N
1 - 0
Stockham, Brian
117C (1605K)
132E () Harris, Michael C
1 - 0
Perris, Stephen
097D ()
Adjustment 0 : 1½
Average 157 4 - 2½ 135

Last update David Fryer Fri 21st Feb 2020 23:52. Reported by David Fryer Sun 3rd Nov 2019 13:00. Verified By Brian D. Stockham Mon 4th Nov 2019 01:19

Press / Admin Comment

Have done all I can but Tim Pavlovic's agreed grade for this handicap match of 171 is not on the system. I cannot therefore deal with the Handicap section - probably could not anyway as I suspect the MSL KO rules are not incorporated - but for the record Argumentatives needed to win by 3.5-1.5, so have won the match

Brian D. Stockham

I for one cannot understand

I for one cannot understand how this makes sense. The Args needed to win by 3.5-1.5, yet actually won by 4-1, so had half a point in hand. It cannot be right for the result now to show the score as 3.5-1.5 as even if adjusted they had half a point extra than they needed.

Brian D. Stockham


You are right. The LMS System only allows for a + or - to the teams score so to meet the KO Cup Handicap rules the following points should be added to the lowest rated team; 0-24 +0 25-74 +0.5 equivalent to the higher rated team must score at least 3 75-124 +1.5 equivalent to the higher rated team must score at least 3.5 125-174 +2.5 equivalent to the higher rated team must score at least 4 175+ +3.5 equivalent to the higher rated team must score at least 4.5

David Fryer


Thanks for the explanation, but I fear it does not lead to a correct solution. The score is now showing as 4.5-2.5, which cannot be right

Brian D. Stockham

I give up !

I cannot think of an alternative given the constraints of the system, so I have given up and verified. Maybe someone with far better computer literacy - not at all difficult in my case - can find a solution

Brian D. Stockham


These additions to the lowest rated team will indeed find the correct winner and loser after handicap for any particular result and any grading difference other than the tiebreak for board count etc when a simple +½ for the winning team will suffice. If anyone can suggest a better solution using LMS please let the Tournament Controller Don Grant know.

David Fryer