Uckfield R V Crowborough R

Rapidplay - mini-league Wed 12th Feb 2020 19:30 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Uckfield R V Crowborough R Rating
112R (1653K) Weis, Benedict
½ - ½
Shaw, Henry L
129R (1842K)
100R () Ullmann, Hugo
0 - 1
Longley, Daniel
114R (1531K)
078R (1556K) Christian, Oliver
1 - 0
Pearce, Benjamin
069R ()
060R () Day, Freddie
1 - 0
Hopkirk, Lucy
066L ()
Average 88 2½ - 1½ 95

Last update David Fryer Thu 13th Feb 2020 11:39. Reported by David Fryer Thu 13th Feb 2020 11:39. Verified By Brian D. Stockham Tue 18th Feb 2020 16:54

Press / Admin Comment

A cracking match which ebbed and flowed. Well done to all of the players !

Brian D. Stockham

Cracking Match

Yes a great match - went right down to wire finally ending when Benedict forced a repetition of moves. Everyone put in a great effort but congratulations to Uckfield

David Fryer


Dave's comment on that game epitomised for me what we as coaches hope to see and encourage from our youngsters. In a drawn position earlier, Benedict had already offered a draw to Henry, but with his team 2-1 down Henry declined as he felt he had to play for his team. Both players took it down to the final minute on the clocks and both made an error, but Henry's was possibly more critical and with more time on the clock, Benedict could have secured the win which would have been just reward for his play and a personal achievement against Henry. However Benedict knew that a time pressured mistake was possible and secured the draw by repetition to ensure Uckfield won the match. Brilliant !!

Brian D. Stockham