Weymouth A V Ringwood

DCL Div 1 Mon 11th Mar 2019 00:00 Winner: Unknown   Verify
Board Rating Weymouth A V Ringwood Rating
190A Pleasants, Allan J
½ - ½
Anderson, Peter W
163B Pittman, Frank J
0 - 1
Simons, Martin J
154A Burton, Ronnie
½ - ½
Jenks, C Bruce
158C Johns, Chris W
½ - ½
Forster, James Connor C
Total 665 1½ - 2½ 733

Last update Allan Pleasants Mon 11th Mar 2019 23:05. Reported by Allan Pleasants . Verified By Mike Jay

Press / Admin Comment

Weymouth put up stubborn resistance against a very strong team from Ringwood. Chris took no chances on the bottom board against James's CarroKann so a draw was probably inevitable. Ronnie's king looked exposed and he assures me he was better, but I think Bruce definitely had compensation for the small material deficit, Martin played a Volga gambit, which was declined. I think his position was as good as if white had grabbed the gambit pawn. Frank got to an endgame a pawn down, but Martin managed to steer the game to a favourable conclusion. My modern turned into a kings Indian horror and I rapidly dropped a pawn. Peter missed a win at the end and I managed to get to a drawn opposite coloured bishop ending. Well done to Ringwood who edge ever closer to winning the championship.

Allan Pleasants

A match that could have gone quite differently

All credit to both teams who made it a very close and exciting evening of chess. Weymouth lost by the narrowest of margins and were somewhat unfortunate. The games on boards 1 & 2 were last to finish, and the final result was in doubt right up to the last moment. Although Martin Simons was behind on time most of the match, he moved quickly late on to build up his time using the 30 sec increments - and he applied excellent end game technique against an opponent who took him all the way.

Mike Jay