Poole Bishops V Bournemouth

Bacchus East Thu 15th Nov 2018 00:00 Winner: Unknown   Verify
Board Rating Poole Bishops V Bournemouth Rating
000 Leggatt, Josh
0 - 1
Chauvel, Febby
000 Wyatt, Felix
0 - 1
Yilmaz, Mehmetcan
000 Borsa, Teo
1 - 0
Jones, Derek
000 Bozic, Jack
1 - 0(def)
Total 0 2 - 2 216

Last update Tarik Reghif Thu 15th Nov 2018 22:23. Reported by Tarik Reghif . Verified By Roy Egginton

Press / Admin Comment

This time it was down to the youngsters to impress with Steve stepping down and Teo stepping in. Bournemouth brought along a team of fresh faces to the league, unfortunately they were one short due to a car breakdown. This meant Jack didn't get a proper game, but Simon Errington was nice enough to sit down and give him a serious albeit off-the-record game (which Jack won! Well played Jack). Josh went a piece down fairly early on, but his fight back was awesome with some excellent attacks. Unfortunately he couldn't find a way through and Febby managed to find the mate. Felix had an even game against Can with a lot of good play on both sides. Can managed a good attack to take the game. Teo managed to win a piece early on but Derek had a few mating threats with a Queen dancing around the centre of the board. Each time Teo managed to counter attack, often leaving pieces en prise in order to launch attacks against higher value pieces. This enabled him to chase his opponent around the board in a very aggressive game and claim the win. So with 2 losses, a win and a default, it meant the overall score was 2-2, another draw and another point on the board. Well done to Poole Bishops, and thank you to Bournemouth for a good spirited game.

Tarik Reghif