Ringwood B V Highcliffe C

B&DCL Div 3 Mon 30th Sep 2019 19:30 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Ringwood B V Highcliffe C Rating
134A Donaldson, Peter
½ - ½
Manson, Andrew
127A Davenport, Robert
1 - 0
Van Heeckeren, Jan
118C Day, Malcolm
½ - ½
Salinger, Ron
060L Baskett, Andy
1 - 0
Hopwood, Andy
Total 439 3 - 1 404

Last update Mike Jay Wed 2nd Oct 2019 19:06. Reported by Mike Jay Wed 2nd Oct 2019 19:06. Verified By

Press / Admin Comment

Board 4 for Highcliffe was Andy Hopwood - a new ungraded player. Very closely fought match which ended up hinging on the board 4 result between 2 rookie players who played an epic game - credit to both with Andy B edging it in a very complex Q vs B &R end game. Thanks to Ringwood for hosting in a very friendly club atmosphere.

Andrew Manson

It was an exciting evening,

It was an exciting evening, with Ringwood taking an early lead on the top 2 boards, then looking like a drawn match after the B3 result at which time B4 looked like a win for Highcliffe. The two Andys battled it out, and the eventual winner, a piece behind from the opening, took full advantage of an unfortunate mistake which let him gobble up rook, bishop & past pawn on the 7th to leave his queen the only remaining piece on the board. Thanks Highcliffe for a sporting match which could so easily have finished with a very different result.

Malcolm Day