Southbourne C V Poole C

B&DCL Div 3 Fri 29th Nov 2019 19:30 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Southbourne C V Poole C Rating
126B Arorash, David
0 - 1
Popovic, P Dragi
119A Harris, John E
0 - 1
Reghif, Tarik
106A Davies, J Mike
½ - ½
Jaggard, Adam
103A Dixon, Ken
½ - ½
Sachs, Eric N
Total 454 1 - 3 538

Last update Tarik Reghif Fri 29th Nov 2019 22:11. Reported by Tarik Reghif Fri 29th Nov 2019 22:11. Verified By John Harris Fri 29th Nov 2019 22:24

Press / Admin Comment

Good match which didn't reflect the grades. Adam had a good attack early on with doubled rooks on the h file but Mike defended well and it ended up as a draw. Tarik took a lot of pressure before being able to turn it into a counter attack, with a lot of threats John dropped a piece which allowed the game to be finished off with a win for Poole. Dragi had an end game with bishops against knights, an inaccuracy let Dragi pick up a knight for the win. With the match decided, Eric agreed a draw in a locked down position and a pawn down. Win for Poole, but a series of good matches.

Tarik Reghif

Thanks to Poole for a good

Thanks to Poole for a good match. Despite all Southbourne players being heavily out graded, our two reserves managed to draw.

John Harris