Southbourne C V Ringwood B

B&DCL Div 3 Fri 7th Feb 2020 19:30 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Southbourne C V Ringwood B Rating
126B Arorash, David
0 - 1
Weir, Timothy
119A Harris, John E
0 - 1
Donaldson, Peter
112A Lane, Chris D
1 - 0
Davenport, Robert
106A Davies, J Mike
0 - 1
Day, Malcolm
Total 463 1 - 3 525

Last update Malcolm Day Fri 7th Feb 2020 23:13. Reported by Malcolm Day Fri 7th Feb 2020 23:13. Verified By

Press / Admin Comment

With an average grade of 16 above us on all boards, it was always going to be a difficult task for Southbourne to beat Ringwood a second time. This was made more difficult as we had two reserves on the bottom boards. All the team tried to make it as hard as possible for Ringwood and Chris (a (reserve) had a very pretty combination involving sacrificing a knight in order to fork Rob's King and Queen, to win the game.

John Harris

My longer review of the match

My longer review of the match got somehow lost in the system & I'm too tired to do it again! Sufficient to say that our B1 Tim had a fine win to clinch the match, and on B2 Pete had a convincing win as well. Also, Ringwood's 3 victories in a row in 2020 almost make up for the indignity of 3 straight (am I allowed to use that word in this context?!?) losses before Christmas.

Malcolm Day