Poole Bishops V Wimborne

Bacchus East Thu 3rd Oct 2019 19:30 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Poole Bishops V Wimborne Rating
085E Doyle, Jamie
1 - 0
Holden, Phil
060F Leggatt, Josh
0 - 1
Walker, Samuel (Sam)
027F Bozic, Jack
½ - ½
Atkinson, Phil
000 Kerry, Dylan
1 - 0
Dominey, Paul
Total 172 2½ - 1½ 189

Last update eric sachs Fri 4th Oct 2019 07:57. Reported by eric sachs Fri 4th Oct 2019 07:57. Verified By Mike Davidson Fri 4th Oct 2019 16:28

Press / Admin Comment

First game of the season in the Bacchus league for our Juniors with an average age of 13 whom just got passed the post against Wimborne. Jamie on Bd 1 played the Fried Liver opening and ended up a piece ahead and despite a strong fightback from Phil exchanged pieces and found a simple mate. On Bd 4 Dylan playing his first game marched down the King side burst open the defences of his opponent to achieve the win. 9 minutes on his clock - phew, On Bd 2 Sam for Wimborne trapped Josh's bishop and created havoc on the Q side then cleverly attacked the weak K side, burst through to win comprehensively. 2-1 Bishops. On Bd 3 the position was fairly equal with only 3 pieces left for both players then all of a sudden Phil had a 2 piece advantage including a Queen and managed to provide a stalemate to Jack - very lucky. So 0.5/0,5 and the match finished in Poole's favour. Good to see Mike Davison and all the team in the bar and its still a long way to go in the season.

eric sachs