Highcliffe A V Wimborne A

B&DCL Div 1 Mon 22nd Nov 2021 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Highcliffe A V Wimborne A Rating
2080 Jenks, C Bruce
0 - 1
Littleton, Mark
2095 Westrap, Christian F
½ - ½
Clark, Ian C
1795 Ursell, Adam R
0 - 1
Barker, Edward
1788 Ursell, Richard W
½ - ½
Appleby, Stephen
Total 7758 1 - 3 8021

Last update Adam Ursell Mon 22nd Nov 2021 23:29. Reported by Adam Ursell Mon 22nd Nov 2021 23:29. Verified By Ian Clark Tue 23rd Nov 2021 08:53

Press / Admin Comment

Board 4 was an early draw with both players happy in an open position which was quite level. Christian and Ian then also drew after a symmetrical kingside and a level position. My game was next to finish, I got a position of equality in the early middle game before mistiming the critical e5 which was punished by Eddie, forcing me to sacrifice an exchange however still having two knights, Eddie navigated the endgame carefully allowing no tricks and rightly won. Board 1 between Bruce and Mark was a rather wild game with Bruce sacking material to force the white king out into the open however Mark avoided mate and eventually got the win. Well played to Wimborne.

Adam Ursell

Well done to my team with the

Well done to my team with the early draw from Stephen and then I managed to get a small advantage but not enough to try for a win so a draw was agreed. Eddie managed to push through the advantage after winning the exchange. Mark's game against Bruce was very interesting after Bruce sacrificed 2 pieces to force whites king into the open. By the end white had 2 queens and black was trying to mate the king but Mark managed to get away finishing up on h6. Thanks to Highcliffe for the usual convivial spirit the matches were played in.

Ian Clark