Southbourne A V Highcliffe A

B&DCL Div 1 Fri 22nd Apr 2022 00:00 Winner: Draw   Verify
Board Rating Southbourne A V Highcliffe A Rating
2005 Pegg, Russell M
½ - ½
Westrap, Christian F
2080 Simons, Martin J
½ - ½
Jenks, C Bruce
1968 Laker, Leonard J
½ - ½
Ursell, Adam R
1774 Doyle, Jamie
½ - ½
Ursell, Richard W
Total 7827 2 - 2 7758

Last update Adam Ursell Fri 22nd Apr 2022 22:09. Reported by Adam Ursell Fri 22nd Apr 2022 22:09. Verified By

Press / Admin Comment

Thanks to Southbourne again for a warm welcome and a lovely setting for both our teams. First to finish was Bruce and Martin playing a few moves into a rather complex position, a draw offer from Martin led to a friendly chatter and an agreement. Second to finish was board 4 where there was a rather quiet game in which Jamie and Richard agreed a draw in a knight and a few pawns each ending which neither side seemed to be able to play for the win. Board 3 I spent the majority of the game pressing against Len but I think we both played slightly inaccurately after a few weeks away from the game which Len agreed, Lens pieces were tied down with a potential passer and upon seeing the situation on board 1 I offered a draw which Len felt he had to accept. Lastly, Russ sacrificed a pawn which Christian held on to leaving a knight vs bishop ending but Christian had the extra pawn so a draw was agreed so that we could go to the pub! It’s been a pleasure captaining this team as they’ve all played their part being rock solid and the team almost captained itself!

Adam Ursell

Congratulations to Highcliffe A for winning the B&DCL Div One!

Once again there were 4 individual draws between the 2 teams! Well played to all the Highcliffe team players for winning the B&DCL Division 1 Championship, your first ever in the league's 72 years! You must all be very proud of what you have achieved.

Martin J Simons