Highcliffe A V Poole A

B&DCL Div 1 Mon 25th Apr 2022 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Highcliffe A V Poole A Rating
2095 Westrap, Christian F
0 - 1
Weatherlake, John P
2080 Jenks, C Bruce
0 - 1
Stanciu, Ciprian
1788 Ursell, Richard W
½ - ½
Duggan, Michael FG
1795 Ursell, Adam R
0 - 1
O.Neill, Martin
Total 7758 ½ - 3½ 7959

Last update Ciprian Stanciu Mon 25th Apr 2022 23:51. Reported by Ciprian Stanciu Mon 25th Apr 2022 23:51. Verified By

Press / Admin Comment

Well played to Poole with an excellent performance! It seems we had a bit of a hangover from the result on Friday. Poole turned up with a strong team as expected and Richard got a brilliant result after vowing vengeance after a recent loss to Mike! I was playing an interesting game with Martin when I blundered a piece ignoring the saying “Loose pieces drop off” as I walked into a pin! Bruce was subject to a classic case of us having to match each other’s results throughout the season so with me losing it was a certainty! Christian then had a position which was better suited to the play style of John and picked a different move to his instinct which opened up a serious attack for John which was converted. Well played to Poole for really being up for it. Thanks again to my teammates for their excellent performances throughout the season! Just an off night!

Adam Ursell

Well done Highcliffe

Tonight Poole have been the better team. But well done to Highcliffe for winning the league, totally deserved

Ciprian Stanciu