Poole D V Highcliffe C

B&DCL Div 4 Thu 10th Feb 2022 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Poole D V Highcliffe C Rating
1555 Itrich, Krzysztof
0 - 1
Manson, Andrew
1405 Minvalla, Mike
1 - 0
Kageler, Susan
1420 Wood, Joe
0 - 1
Trach, Thomas
1323 Burt, David F
½ - ½
Powell, Robert
Total 5703 1½ - 2½ 6740

Last update Joe Wood Thu 10th Feb 2022 22:46. Reported by Joe Wood Thu 10th Feb 2022 22:46. Verified By

see-saw battle played in great spirit

Every game was tight and hard-fought in a great spirit. Boards 3 and 4 finished first with Highcliffe leading, Mike won one back for Poole on board 2, and the contest on board one swung first to Andy, then Krystoff trapped a bishop and looked favourite before himself falling for a bishop trap in the end game which was eventually won by a couple of tempii in a rook and pawn ending. Thanks to Poole for hosting and for some very exciting games of Chess.

Andrew Manson

Poole D vs Highcliffe C

An absolute pleasure hosting and playing Highcliffe this evening. I think we can all agree that all 4 games were very evenly contested right down to the end. I played Thomas on bd3, and despite losing to the better player, it was a thoroughly enjoyable and fun game of chess in which I took a lot from it personally. Thank you Thomas. 0-1. I cannot say much for my teammates because I was so engrossed in my own game, but well done to Mike on bd2. An exchange of rooks and a bishop on the wrong side of the board saw Mike able to promote a passed pawn and with that, Susan resigned and congratulated Mike. 1-1 I didn't see any of bd4 where David and Robert played for a draw. Well done to both. 1.5 - 1.5. With 3 games now finished, the remaining players gathered around bd1 to spectate Kryzystof play a bishop and rook vs rook endgame vs Andrew. Andrew found a lovely tactic to win the bishop and continued to play excellent chess creating passed pawns on the a and h files. Unfortunately for Poole, Krzysztof's best efforts were in vain. Andrew promoted to a queen after exchanging rooks and won Highcliffe the match. 1.5 - 2.5. A great evening of chess. Congratulations.

Joe Wood