Highcliffe A V Wimborne A

B&DCL Div 1 Mon 30th Jan 2023 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Highcliffe A V Wimborne A Rating
2090 Jenks, C Bruce
0 - 1
Clark, Ian C
2021 Westrap, Christian F
1 - 0
Sawicki, Grzegorz S
1856 Ursell, Richard W
0 - 1
Barker, Edward
1794 Halse, Robert
½ - ½
Adaway, William
Total 7761 1½ - 2½ 7981

Last update Richard Ursell Tue 31st Jan 2023 12:13. Reported by Richard Ursell Tue 31st Jan 2023 12:13. Verified By Ian Clark Tue 31st Jan 2023 14:27

Press / Admin Comment

Report to follow

Richard Ursell

Match Report Highcliffe A v Wimborne A

I am not sure how Wimborne won this match. At half time we looked like going down about 3-1. Board 4 was first to finish with a draw agreed in a very equal position. Board 1 was a crazy game with Bruce having a very clear advantage after the opening but somehow allowed Ian a counter attack which had blacks king in a mating net. Christian always seemed to have the advantage and pushed this through to the ending and inflicting Grzegorz first defeat of the season. Eddie on 3 won the exchange and seemed to have control but Richard fought back and was possibly holding the ending but Eddie found a way through to complete victory for Wimborne and after last nights shock defeat ( again!! ) of Poole B on Poole A level on points at top of table.

Ian Clark