Highcliffe B V Southbourne B

B&DCL Div 2 Mon 15th May 2023 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Highcliffe B V Southbourne B Rating
1732 Trach, Thomas
0 - 1
Pegg, Russell M
1683 Manson, Andrew
½ - ½
Catchpole, Jon F
1449 Howell, Roger D
0 - 1
Curran, Brian
1427 Salinger, Ron
0 - 1
Schell, Finn
Total 6291 ½ - 3½ 7130

Last update Richard Ursell Mon 15th May 2023 22:10. Reported by Richard Ursell Mon 15th May 2023 22:10. Verified By Brian Curran Tue 16th May 2023 08:40

Apology to Wimborne for practically gifting promotion to Southbo

Our B team was half of C team and half of D team. This was due to league rules and not me favouring Southbourne over Wimborne. However to my mind the results have been compromised because of this and I think the league needs to reconsider player allocation limits so the rightful players do play in their rightful nominated teams for the entire season. I thank the guys for putting themselves forward for a very one sided match, and thanks to Brian and his team for a very friendly evening.

Robert Halse

Highcliffe B v Southbourne B

Thanks to Richard and Highcliffe for the hospitality.Sympathise with them having to field a weakened team.Well done to Southbourne for playing well on the night. Thanks to Finn for stepping in for Michael. Congrats to Russell for winning the Boardman Trophy for the 2nd Division.

Brian Curran