Wimborne B V Weymouth B

DCL Div 2 Wed 19th Apr 2023 00:00 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Wimborne B V Weymouth B Rating
1789 Wilcock, Peter
½ - ½
Leeson, Chris JP
1754 Cleland, Nathaniel J
1 - 0
Blake, Steve
1755 Mallon, Stuart
1 - 0
Steevens, Malcolm J
1708 Hillman, Graham
1 - 0
Balem, John E
Total 7006 3½ - ½ 6871

Last update Graham Hillman Wed 19th Apr 2023 22:54. Reported by Graham Hillman Wed 19th Apr 2023 22:54. Verified By

Press / Admin Comment

Although it was a decisive result on the night for Wimborne , there was definitely fireworks on Board 3 where a seemingly quiet opening exploded in to a complex position where white looked to have serious Mating threats on the Black King . But was unable to close the deal Board 4 was a a fair bit quieter with a Transition from the Bishops opening into the Philidor and Queen side Pawn offensive by Black came unstuck with white able to win 2 pawns and eventually the Bishop -Rook exchange as Black became entangled on the back 3 ranks. John played gallantly on to see if his Bishop pair could extract anything from a difficult position . Thanks to Weymouth for traveling so far on the night More comments to be added

Graham Hillman

Match comments.

Thank you Wimborne for hosting the match ,the light refreshment and well done on an impressive win. Mr Cleland on board 2 however was supplied with to much refreshment and slurped his way to a winning position .Said slurping stopped when he gained an unassailable position. Be it nerves or gamesmanship it was irritating to say the least. Winge over.

Christopher J Leeson