Poole A V Highcliffe A

B&DCL Div 1 Mon 23rd Oct 2023 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Poole A V Highcliffe A Rating
2111 Waddington, Mike P
½ - ½
Jenks, C Bruce
2043 Weatherlake, John P
0 - 1
Westrap, Christian F
2038 Duggan, Michael FG
0 - 1
Bowden, Madison B
2046 Lee, Nicholas S
½ - ½
Ursell, Adam R
Total 8238 1 - 3 7981

Last update David M Fuller Mon 23rd Oct 2023 22:29. Reported by David M Fuller Mon 23rd Oct 2023 22:29. Verified By Christian Westrap Mon 23rd Oct 2023 23:12

A Hard Fought Match

Thanks to Poole for a hard-fought match and great hospitality. A fine result for Highcliffe in a match which could have gone either way. Board 4 was first to finish when Nick offered Adam a draw in a position where Nick was a pawn up but Adam had obvious counter-play with two bishops and open files for his pieces. Board 1 finished next when Bruce and Mike agreed a draw in a level-looking endgame. On Board 2, John fell into a prepared line against me and my initiative proved to be too strong - a nice win for me but I guess he won't be repeating that line any time soon! This made the score 2-1 to Highcliffe with one game to go. Board 3 was a complicated, chaotic, but very interesting, affair where any result was possible. In the end Mads prevailed and the match went our way. Thanks Poole for a great night's chess.

Christian Westrap

Indeed It Was

Well said Christian. By the time I arrived B4 had completed and B1 was in its last throes. John advises that he was indeed caught out. I was particularly impressed how Mads closed out his complicated game against Mike despite getting down to increment - very calmly finished. Well played you lot and you can have bragging rights for a few weeks until next we meet! Always a pleasure. D

David M Fuller