Poole E V Bournemouth F

B&DCL Div 5 Mon 11th Dec 2023 00:00 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Poole E V Bournemouth F Rating
1661 Joyce, Tim
1 - 0
Alves, Manuela M S
1600 Panchenko, Oleksii
1 - 0
Ghose, Azhar
1653 Pritchard, Anthony D
1 - 0
Lindsay, Greta
1339 Burt, David F
½ - ½
Petrus, Beatrice
Total 6253 3½ - ½ 5456

Last update Martin J Simons Tue 12th Dec 2023 06:48. Reported by Martin J Simons Tue 12th Dec 2023 06:48. Verified By Azhar Ghose Tue 12th Dec 2023 21:53

Bournemouth F came to play

Bournemouth F came to play Poole E with worries that a full team may not make the journey. Luckily a full compliment played and some very good games ensued. Oleksii was the first to finish, because of course. A solid win to get the team moving. The next 3 games were tight. Midway through there seemed to be a pawn advantage on most games, but nothing decisive. Tony managed to convert his match to a win, but David B was the exchange down but with 2 pawns compensation. Tim’s opponent had found some form and regained the pawn and momentum. David managed to secure the draw and the match with a knight Vs rook ending. Much to everyone’s surprise the evening ended with everyone gathered around Tim’s board on a tense end game. Tell a lie, the evening ended with the fruit machine spreading wealth. A happy win for the team and the gamblers. The games could so easily have gone the other way, and it was an excellent showing from all the Bournemouth players, and an excellent sign having more female chess players coming through the ranks. Thank you to Bournemouth for the excellent games.

Tarik Reghif

Bournemouth F

Excellent write up. Very friendly and helpful players at the Poole club. Look forward to meeting up in the new year when I hope our fortunes may change ! Only disappointment is that we could not share in the spoils of the fruit machine ! :-)

Azhar Ghose