Bournemouth C V Highcliffe C

B&DCL Div 3 Tue 14th May 2024 00:00 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Bournemouth C V Highcliffe C Rating
1726 Bolton, Stephen
1 - 0
Manson, Andrew
1718 Jackson, Paul A
½ - ½
Salinger, Neil
1702 Miles, Daniel
1 - 0
Powell, Robert
1550 Errington, Simon
½ - ½
Salinger, Ron
Total 6696 3 - 1 6367

Last update Daniel Miles Tue 14th May 2024 22:25. Reported by Daniel Miles Tue 14th May 2024 22:25. Verified By

Press / Admin Comment

Board 4 first to finish. Ron was up a pawn in a rook endgame but Simon defended well to secure the draw. Board 3 was next with Robert sacking a knight in the opening for 3 pawns. A pawn was won back but a tactical match took place where it was winning for both sides at different points but eventually black consolidated and won. Board 1 had a piece sack as well but the tactics didn’t quite work out and over a long game Steve pressed his advantage to win. Final game looked to be a win in a same colour bishops endgame for Paul when he won a pawn with a nice tactic but then lost it 2 moves later, Paul probably still had winning chances since blacks pawns were on the same squares as the bishops but a draw was agreed.

Daniel Miles

The Knights died in vain!

Robert and I both played Knight sacrifices in the opening with the white pieces - sadly neither tactic worked as Stephen and Daniel both defended well to get to an endgame material up, and win. Ron and Neil saved us from a whitewash and both got good draws in tactically difficult positions. Thanks to Bournemouth for hosting, and congratulations on a well deserved victory

Andrew Manson