Bournemouth D V Wimborne D

B&DCL Div 4 Tue 5th Dec 2023 00:00 Winner: Draw   Verify
Board Rating Bournemouth D V Wimborne D Rating
1586 Errington, Paul T
½ - ½
Hillman, Graham
1587 Alderton, Andrew M
½ - ½
Mallon, Stuart
1575 Mortimer, Byron E Ed
0 - 1
Young, Simon
1550 Errington, Simon
1 - 0
Bowley, John R
Total 6298 2 - 2 6739

Last update Paul Errington Tue 5th Dec 2023 23:19. Reported by Paul Errington Tue 5th Dec 2023 23:19. Verified By Simon Young Wed 6th Dec 2023 09:11

Good match well contested on fri

Great match well contested on all boards expect another great game after Xmas. Thanks too Wimborne players for enjoyable night of chess

Paul Errington

Our second visit to

Our second visit to Bournemouth this season, facing the D team this time. Again, our grades were higher on all boards but the results told a different story. Board 2 was first to finish with a draw being agreed. Stuart mentioned post-match that he felt his time was low and that Andrew had something building with significantly more time on the clock. So when the draw was offered by Andrew, he felt it was probably wise to accept. Board 1, again another draw. I had a brief look at the end game and both sides seemed equal with no definitive way through for either. Board 4, John opened his King side a bit too much, which Simon happily exploited, beginning with the loss of John's G pawn. A pinned knight, helped lead to Simon’s eventual win. To be honest I didn’t get a really good look at the other games, as I was too engrossed in my own on board 3. It went down to the line, rook and pawn end game, although we both had missed opportunities throughout the game. I think we can both say we mistimed our attacks, had pawns on the seventh rank that we didn't convert and at points we did play some great chess. Thanks to Bournemouth, see you in Merley for the re-match.

Simon Young