Bournemouth D V Southbourne D

B&DCL Div 4 Tue 19th Mar 2024 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Bournemouth D V Southbourne D Rating
1550 Errington, Simon
½ - ½
Lane, Chris D
1575 Mortimer, Byron E Ed
0 - 1
Dixon, Ken
1586 Errington, Paul T
½ - ½
Foley, Chris
1550 Harrison, John
0 - 1
Carrasco Martin, Isaac
Total 6261 1 - 3 5758

Last update John Harris Tue 19th Mar 2024 23:15. Reported by John Harris Tue 19th Mar 2024 23:15. Verified By

Press / Admin Comment

All the games were hard fought. Chris Lane's game looked like a drawer as they swapped off a lot of the material and agreed a drawer. Ken had a good win. Towards the end of his game they reached a position where there was only a rook protecting an attacked bishop. Ken then attacked the rook and the bishop had to be relinquished giving Ken an agreed win. Chris Foley had a good game until he missed a queen attacking his king which led to the loss of a bishop. From then on he could not get through Paul's defences and agreed to Paul's request for a drawer. Isaac's first game for us proved interesting. His queen was out of the picture and his king was being attacked by a queen and rook whilst being gallantly being defended by just a knight and rook. Eventually Isaac was not being checked and he was able to fork John's queen and king which brought the game to an end and gave Southbourne the 3-1 win.

John Harris