Purbeck A V Dorchester C

DCL Div 2 Mon 23rd Oct 2023 00:00 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Purbeck A V Dorchester C Rating
2010 Peirson, Steve B
½ - ½
Hardie, David JW
1764 Coles, John F
½ - ½
Young, Andrew
1697 Stout, Nicholas B
½ - ½
Potter, Mark A
1656 Mount, Derek
1 - 0
Gerety, Jadan
Total 7127 2½ - 1½ 6875

Last update Steve Peirson Tue 24th Oct 2023 08:45. Reported by Steve Peirson Tue 24th Oct 2023 08:45. Verified By Mark Potter Tue 24th Oct 2023 13:22

Press / Admin Comment

Who put the lights out? All the games were very evenly matched. The first to finish was board 2 where Andrew was a pawn up but John had a rook on the 7th rank and an active knight so when he offered a draw, Andrew accepted. Board 4 was also fairly even until near the end I noticed that Derek was the exchange up and, shortly after, an oversight by Jadan allowed Derek to checkmate him. On board 1, David and I were playing a very even French Defence until David unleashed a tactical melee where, unfortunately for me, he had seen one move further and I ended up with N + P v R. Fortunately for me, David only had 4 minutes left on his clock against over 15 minutes for me so he offered a draw which I accepted. Then.... the lights went out! All we had was one rather dim emergency light, I suggested that the remaining game could be moved under it but, with Nick having a clear advantage, Mark sportingly agreed to a draw which gave Purbeck the match 2.5 - 1.5. To answer the question at the start of the report - on leaving the hall I saw workmen digging up the road a few yards from the hall so I rather think they were the culprits.

Steve Peirson

Always a good welcome at

Always a good welcome at Purbeck and an incident packed match! Congratulations to them on a deserved victory. A special mention for Jadan who gave his experienced opponent on Board 4 a good game in his first formal over the board game.

Mark Potter