3Cs 6 V Bolton 5
R Division Wed 6th Nov 2024 00:00 Winner: Draw Verify
Board | Rating | 3Cs 6 | V | Bolton 5 | Rating |
1 | 1142 (1143) | Lewis, Aaron G |
0 - 1 | G Eccleston, Rowan |
1428 (1431) |
2 | 1063 (1152) | Hicks, Noah G |
1 - 0 | G Earnshaw, William |
1240 (1195) |
3 | 0918 (931) | Osmond, Sachin G |
0 - 1 | G Parker, James |
1034 (983) |
4 | 0862 (871) | Kearns, Thomas G |
1 - 0 | G Earnshaw, Isaac |
0900 (941) |
5 | 1142 (1143) | Lewis, Aaron G |
0 - 1 | G Eccleston, Rowan |
1428 (1431) |
6 | 1063 (1152) | Hicks, Noah G |
1 - 0 | G Earnshaw, William |
1240 (1195) |
7 | 0918 (931) | Osmond, Sachin G |
1 - 0 | G Parker, James |
1034 (983) |
8 | 0862 (871) | Kearns, Thomas G |
0 - 1 | G Earnshaw, Isaac |
0900 (941) |
Average | 997 | 4 - 4 | 1151 |
Last update Mick Norris Fri 15th Nov 2024 09:47. Reported by Mick Norris Fri 8th Nov 2024 11:38. Verified By Mick Norris Fri 15th Nov 2024 09:47
Comment for organiser
Bolton fifth board Isaac Earnshaw not showing on LMS although I do know he has been registered at the weekend with the Records and Registrations Secretary with an estimated grade by Julian Clissold.Sorry should read board 4…
Sorry should read board 4 not fifth board.
Confirmed Isaac Earnshaw was…
Confirmed Isaac Earnshaw was registered with R&R secretary ahead of the gam e but list not yet updated.
Addition to LMS
Isaac Earnshaw has been added to LMS
I have updated the result to include Isaac on bottom board for Bolton