Bury 2 V Eccles 4
E (1) Division Tue 17th Dec 2024 00:00 Winner: Away Verify
Board | Rating | Bury 2 | V | Eccles 4 | Rating |
1 | 1664 (1655) | Bakhsh, Mohammad H G |
0 - 1 | B Batbileg, Chagdarsuran |
1638 (1625) |
2 | 1600 (1620) | Anderson, Jason B |
1 - 0 | G Pollard, Matthew B |
1700 (1689) |
3 | 1475 (1462) | Peach, Jeremy F B |
½ - ½ | B Gouda, Mohamed |
1585 (1557) |
4 | 1435 (1425) | Press, Steven B |
1 - 0 | B Martin, Seamus |
1443 (1455) |
5 | 1280 (1508) | Young, Anthony B |
0 - 1 | B Sarin, Nathan |
1350 (1565) |
6 | 1100 (1282) | Braiden, Joshua G |
0 - 1 | B Barber, Jason |
1562 (1658) |
Average | 1426 | 2½ - 3½ | 1547 |
Last update Barbara Farrar Thu 19th Dec 2024 21:09. Reported by Barbara Farrar Thu 19th Dec 2024 21:09. Verified By
Comment for organiser
Jason Barber was given an estimated local rating of 1250 at the beginning of the season. In December he received a known rating. The approved changes will take effect from the first league match after 1st January 2025 in accordance to the MCF rules. I am not sure why Jason Barbers known rating is showing on the match card but the known rating of Nathan Sarin is not.
Player rating clarity
Jason Barber rating should be 1250 which has been changed back now on LMS. The change will be made after 1st January. No impact on the final result.