Round 1
Round 1 EVENT: SCL Individual DATE: Mon 11th Nov 2024 TIME: 00:00 Verify
Board | Date | Rating | White | V | Black | Rating |
1 | 2024-11-12 | 1871 (1868) | Anderson, Thomas R G |
G Bennett, Milan |
1598 (1608) | |
2 | 2024-11-11 | 1865 (1854) | Hordnes, Niclas G |
½ - ½ | B McLeod, Fraser N |
1886 (1858) |
Last update Fraser McLeod Tue 12th Nov 2024 09:27. Reported by Fraser McLeod Tue 12th Nov 2024 09:27. Verified By
Suggested Deadline 15th December 2024.
- The winner (or joint winners) holds the Southampton Individual trophy for the year.
- All games are to be played following league rules, including the use of a clock, scoresheets, and a standard play time control (e.g., 80 min + 10s increment, if electronic clock available, or all moves in 90 minutes)
- All games will be ECF rated.
- The ‘away’ player has the white pieces; the ‘home’ player has the black pieces.
- The ‘home’ player should contact their opponent to agree a date and the playing venue. The playing schedule gives a suggested deadline for each game but these will not be enforced.
- The playing venue can be the player’s club or home, as long as they have suitable playing conditions (e.g., standard equipment and a comfortable, quiet environment) and the away player is willing to play there.
- All games should be played by the 16th May. The League Committee reserves the right to void any games not played by this date.
- Let me know as soon as possible if there are any problems in arranging games or any other issues. As a participant, I will refer any issues requiring a ruling to the League Committee.
- I suggest contact via the email addresses used here but do share mobile numbers when arranging games, in case needed for urgent contact Fraser
- Please report all game results as soon as played to me and or Graham (webmaster), by email, so we can add to the league’s LMS website.