Round 1

Round 1 EVENT: SCL Individual DATE: Mon 11th Nov 2024 TIME: 00:00   Verify
Board Date Rating White V Black Rating
1 2024-11-12 1871 (1868) Anderson, Thomas R
Bennett, Milan
1598 (1608)
2 2024-11-11 1865 (1854) Hordnes, Niclas
½ - ½
McLeod, Fraser N
1886 (1858)

Last update Fraser McLeod Tue 12th Nov 2024 09:27. Reported by Fraser McLeod Tue 12th Nov 2024 09:27. Verified By


Suggested Deadline 15th December 2024.

  1. The winner (or joint winners) holds the Southampton Individual trophy for the year. 
  2. All games are to be played following league rules, including the use of a clock, scoresheets, and a standard play time control (e.g., 80 min + 10s increment, if electronic clock available, or all moves in 90 minutes) 
  3. All games will be ECF rated.
  4. The ‘away’ player has the white pieces; the ‘home’ player has the black pieces.
  5. The ‘home’ player should contact their opponent to agree a date and the playing venue. The playing schedule gives a suggested deadline for each game but these will not be enforced.
  6. The playing venue can be the player’s club or home, as long as they have suitable playing conditions (e.g., standard equipment and a comfortable, quiet environment) and the away player is willing to play there. 
  7. All games should be played by the 16th May. The League Committee reserves the right to void any games not played by this date. 
  8. Let me know as soon as possible if there are any problems in arranging games or any other issues. As a participant, I will refer any issues requiring a ruling to the League Committee.
  9. I suggest contact via the email addresses used here but do share mobile numbers when arranging games, in case needed for urgent contact Fraser
  10. Please report all game results as soon as played to me and or Graham (webmaster), by email, so we can add to the league’s LMS website. 


Graham Stuart