Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Kabir Ghosh (65921) Ghosh, Kabir A (308310L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Kabir Ghosh Ghosh, Kabir A Kabir Ghosh
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 2009-08-25 1970-01-01
Club Kings College School (Wimbledon) Richmond Juniors Kings College School (Wimbledon)
Grading Code 308310L 308310L 308310L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
KCS B V Wilsons A white Yu, X Henry D 223144
KCS B V KCS A white Ali, Shahvez L 237732
KCS Wimbledon A V Wilson's A white Agrawal, Shivam L 369853
KCS A V KCS Under 13 white Xiong, Yichen W 461340
Hampton A V KCS B black Shard, Henry G L 202710
KCS Under 13 V KCS A black Singh, Hari L 240650
KCS Wimbledon B V KCS Wimbledon A black O'Neill, Kai L 317050
Hampton B V KCS Wimbledon A black Denmark, William L 330552
Trinity A V KCS Wimbledon B black Sarai, Kristian L 348254
Guildford A V KCS B black Sachdeva, Ronit L 432715