Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Colin R Ramage (33369) Ramage, Colin R (117612C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Colin R Ramage Ramage, Colin R Colin R Ramage
Sex M M M
DOB 1953-07-14 1953-07-14 1953-07-14
Club Barking Barking Barking
Grading Code 117612C 117612C 117612C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Barking V The Rest of the League white Murrell, Mark RA L 126227
Barking A V Thurrock white Crane, Malcolm K W 277658
Barking A V Thurrock white Crane, Malcolm K W 277663
Round 1 white Fulton, Anthony R L 293676
Round 3 white Freeman, Ashley D 293722
Round 5 white Hughes, Gavin James D 293768
Barking V Loughton white Van Tol, Martin W 407595
Barking V Loughton white Van Tol, Martin D 407600
Ilford V Barking A black Ghose, Rahul L 185353
Ilford V Barking A black Ghose, Rahul L 185358
Wanstead A V Barking A black Freeman, Ashley L 199524
Wanstead A V Barking A black Freeman, Ashley L 199529
Basildon V Barking A black Kraszewski, David D 291872
Basildon V Barking A black Kraszewski, David L 291877
Round 2 black Gohil, Aryan L 293710
Round 4 black Rida, Ruqayyah L 293742
Round 6 black Kingsley, Malcolm P L 293796
Wanstead A V Barking A black Mulay, Partha L 295997
Wanstead A V Barking A black Mulay, Partha L 296002
Wanstead A V Barking black Rix, Steven JL L 409559
Wanstead A V Barking black Rix, Steven JL L 409564