Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Derek A Sheppard (29693) Sheppard, Derek A (118884H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Derek A Sheppard Sheppard, Derek A Derek A Sheppard
Sex M M M
DOB 1950-01-30 1950-01-30 1950-01-30
Club Beverley Hull
Grading Code 118884H 118884H 118884H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 2 white Attwater, Luke W 205669
Round 4 white Kendall, Paul SN L 240195
Round 1 white Tomlinson, Steve W 290623
Round 3 white Turner, Tim M L 333205
Round 5 white Oliver, Bruce R D 381850
Round 2 white Kendall, Paul SN L 435343
Round 1 black Tomlinson, Steve D 190009
Round 3 black Hara, R Malcolm D 229363
Round 5 black Oxley, Edward S D 260048
Round 2 black Harding, Esmond L 312280
Round 4 black Vleeshhouwer, Douglas L 358550
Round 1 black Attwater, Luke L 415055
Round 3 black Coates, Richard J N 465340