Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Harry O'Nions (72048) O'Nions, Harry (352982E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Harry O'Nions O'Nions, Harry Harry O'Nions
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
Club The Chess Centre The Chess Centre
Grading Code 352982E 352982E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 2 white West, Aoife W 233099
Round 4 white O'Nions, Chloe L 238290
Round 4 white Eane, Noah L 238291
Round 6 white Caddy-Curbishley, Reuben W 242894
Round 8 white Sullivan, Emily L 247514
Round 8 white Sullivan, Abigail D 247515
Round 5 white Curtis, Theo D 272063
Round 6 white Cawley-McCarthy, Valentine L 274587
Round 6 white Cawley-McCarthy, Constantine L 274588
Round 9 white O'Nions, Chloe L 279217
Round 9 white Higgins, Riley L 279218
Round 3 black O'Nions, Chloe L 236008
Round 3 black Eane, Noah L 236009
Round 5 black Caddy-Curbishley, Reuben D 241165
Round 8 black Sullivan, Abigail L 247513
Round 9 black Sullivan, Emily L 249512
Round 2 black O'Nions, Chloe L 266769
Round 7 black Cawley-McCarthy, Valentine D 275864
Round 10 black Higgins, Riley L 281432
Round 11 black Curtis, Theo L 283556
Round 13 black Cawley-McCarthy, Constantine L 285866