Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Thomas Hewitt (76765) Hewitt, Thomas (356257J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Thomas Hewitt Hewitt, Thomas Thomas Hewitt
Sex M M M
DOB 2014-02-13 2014-02-13 2014-02-13
Club The Chess Centre Ilkely Chess Centre
Grading Code 356257J 356257J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 2 white Bramall, Freya W 268172
Round 3 white Sira, Orrin W 268199
Round 5 white Saunders, Henry L 268264
Round 3 white Parkinson, Dylan L 269161
Round 3 white Rawse, Alex L 269162
Round 5 white Wainwright, Charlie L 270700
Round 6 white Needham, Louis W 272369
Round 6 white Dillon, Kirkchai W 272370
Round 9 white West, Aoife W 282535
Round 1 white Li, Isaac L 284174
Round 3 white Hutchings, Kye L 284226
Round 4 white Winter, Jack L 284252
Round 12 white Crebbin, Lee W 286109
Ilkley Mountain Lions V Ilkley Night Hawks white Northage, Lois W 307489
Ilkley Mountain Lions V Ilkley Night Hawks white Harrison, Corey L 307493
Ilkley Mountain Lions V Ilkley Night Hawks white Tilley, Aidan L 307497
Ilkley Mountain Lions V Ilkley Night Hawks white Wainwright, Cora L 307501
Ilkley Mountain Lions V Ilkley Leopards white Bramall, Freya L 328517
Ilkley Mountain Lions V Ilkley Leopards white Tew, Jacob W 328521
Ilkley Mountain Lions V Ilkley Leopards white Parkinson, Dylan W 328525
Ilkley Mountain Lions V Ilkley Leopards white Sparrow, George L 328529
Round 1 black Singh, Sienna L 268155
Round 4 black Wainwright, Cora L 268235
Round 6 black Clow, Toby L 268295
Round 4 black Dillon, Kirkchai L 270692
Round 4 black Conner, Finlay L 270694
Round 6 black Needham, Louis L 272365
Round 9 black Rawse, Alex L 282534
Round 2 black Yoshino-Bunting, Dan L 284200
Round 5 black Needham, Louis L 284277
Round 6 black Parkinson, Dylan L 284302
Round 12 black Kennedy, James L 286107
Ilkley Leopards V Ilkley Mountain Lions black Tew, Jacob L 296050
Ilkley Leopards V Ilkley Mountain Lions black De Beco, Pierre L 296051
Ilkley Leopards V Ilkley Mountain Lions black Bramall, Freya L 296056
Ilkley Leopards V Ilkley Mountain Lions black Sparrow, George D 296061
Ilkley Orangutans V Ilkley Mountain Lions black Wainwright, Charlie L 321616
Ilkley Orangutans V Ilkley Mountain Lions black Sheen, Archie D 321623
Ilkley Orangutans V Ilkley Mountain Lions black Freeman, Edward L 321626
Ilkley Night Hawks V Ilkley Mountain Lions black Kennedy, James L 340354
Ilkley Night Hawks V Ilkley Mountain Lions black Northage, Lois L 340356
Ilkley Night Hawks V Ilkley Mountain Lions black Wainwright, Cora L 340361
Ilkley Night Hawks V Ilkley Mountain Lions black Kennedy, James L 340363