Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Joshua Doyle (40704) Doyle, Joshua (328426J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Joshua Doyle Doyle, Joshua Joshua Doyle
Sex M M M
DOB 2009-06-21 2009-06-21 2009-06-21
Club Wilsons School Wilsons School Wilsons School
Grading Code 328426J 328426J 328426J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Wilsons School B V Eton College A white Auchi, Nadhmi L 125541
Wilsons School A V Brentwood School A white Glover, Riley W 126972
Wilsons School B V Eton College B white Agnihotri, Akaash L 135161
Wilsons School A V Altrincham Grammar School A white Mierzejewski, Franciszek L 152326
Wilsons School A V Eton College B white Pinsent, Lucas L 156963
King Edward VI School Chelmsford A V Wilsons School B black Poon, Evan L 132234
Kings College School (Wimbledon) A V Wilsons School B black O'Neill, Kai L 138618
Wilsons School B V Wilsons School A black Jeyakanth, Ugas L 147932
Eton College B V Wilsons School B black Lawson, Oscar L 164438
Altrincham Grammar School A V Wilsons School C black Velavan, Pranav L 168033