Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Markos Mouratidis (41202) Mouratidis, Markos (322960K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Markos Mouratidis Mouratidis, Markos Markos Mouratidis
Sex M M M
DOB 2010-04-06 2010-04-06 2010-04-06
Club Brentwood School Brentwood Prep S Brentwood School
Grading Code 322960K 322960K 322960K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Brentwood School A V Eton College A white Bourne, Roland L 147888
Brentwood School A V Wilsons School B white Karthikeyan, Sanjiv L 167943
Brentwood School A V Tiffin School A white Linton, Anixton L 201566
Brentwood School A V Eton College B white Longia-Zaidi, Ismail L 242549
Wilsons School A V Brentwood School A black Dupuis, Denis K L 126969
Eton College C V Brentwood School A black Bhargava, Siddhant L 135501