Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Pranav Velavan (43170) Velavan, Pranav (341607A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Pranav Velavan Velavan, Pranav Pranav Velavan
Sex M M M
DOB 2004-09-13 2004-09-13 2004-09-13
Club Altrincham Grammar School Cheshire & N Wales * Altrincham Grammar School
Grading Code 341607A 341607A 341607A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Altrincham Grammar School A V Wilsons School B white Jeyakanth, Ugas W 126977
Altrincham Grammar School A V Wilsons School C white Vu, Minh W 138376
Altrincham Grammar School A V King Edward VI School Chelmsford A white Thompson, Thomas George D 147817
Altrincham Grammar School A V Tiffin School A white Chatterjee, Sagnik L 164595
Altrincham Grammar School A V Wilsons School C white Doyle, Joshua W 168033
Altrincham Grammar School A V Holyport College A white Guo, Peter L 201541
Tiffin School A V Altrincham Grammar School A black Subin, Samvrit L 132256
Eton College A V Altrincham Grammar School A black Wreford, Barnaby L 135066
Wilsons School A V Altrincham Grammar School A black Bharat Kumar, Balahari L 152322
Eton College C V Altrincham Grammar School A black Orth, Alexander D 157203