Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of David J Varghese (54285) Varghese, David J (312347K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name David J Varghese Varghese, David J David J Varghese
Sex M M M
DOB 2009-10-10 2009-10-10 2009-10-10
Club Tiffin School Richmond Juniors Tiffin School
Grading Code 312347K 312347K 312347K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Tiffin School B V Eton College C white Slack, Edward W 152386
Tiffin School B V Wilsons School B white Vu, Minh L 160547
Tiffin School B V St Marys School Northumberland B white Szczygielski, Bruno + 168011
Tiffin School A V Magdalen College School A white Kassey, Amaan W 215725
Tiffin School B V Eton College B white Auchi, Taymour W 232654
Tiffin School B V Eton College C white Chick, Miaka W 242506
Tiffin School A V Eton College A white Harding, Rafe L 357632
Tiffin School A V Tiffin School B black Wu, Tong L 147982
St Marys School Northumberland B V Tiffin School B black Siemens, Jan L 157311
Newcastle A V Tiffin School B black Robinson, William L 205905
Dame Alice Owen A V Tiffin School B black Goodlad, Stephen L 220934
Tonbridge School B V Tiffin School B black Kaliuta, Raymond L 237129