Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jeswin James (64648) James, Jeswin (350055L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jeswin James James, Jeswin Jeswin James
Sex M M M
DOB 2005-12-31 2005-12-31 2005-12-31
Club Altrincham Grammar School Manchester * Altrincham Grammar School
Grading Code 350055L 350055L 350055L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Altrincham Grammar School B V Urmston GS A white Agyemang, David D 246646
King Edward VI School Chelmsford A V Altrincham Grammar School B black Lankothu, Sushant L 201547
Magdalen College School B V Altrincham Grammar School B black Wang, Owen - 242552
Cheadle Hulme A V Altrincham Grammar School A black Nolan, Tommy D 251619