Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Peter Guo (65383) Guo, Peter (345992F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Peter Guo Guo, Peter Peter Guo
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-11-05 2007-11-05 2007-11-05
Club Holyport College Holyport College Holyport College
Grading Code 345992F 345992F 345992F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Holyport College A V Bolton School B white Walsh, Zac W 205935
Holyport College A V Ampleforth College A white Galway, Victor W 232640
Holyport College A V King Edward VI School Chelmsford A white Medapati Gokul, Hemanth W 242534
Holyport College A V Dame Alice Owen A white Yu, Rock W 251620
Holyport College A V Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School A white Westby, Oscar L 316367
Holyport College A V Judd GS B white Grillo, Alessandro W 322811
Holyport College A V Cheadle Hulme School B white Devakumar, Nikhil - 374483
Altrincham Grammar School A V Holyport College A black Velavan, Pranav L 201541
Tonbridge School B V Holyport College A black Chan, Alida L 215763
Eton College B V Holyport College A black Longia-Zaidi, Ismail L 220944
Eton College C V Holyport College A black Longia-Zaidi, Ismail L 246604
Bolton School A V Holyport College A black Burns, Luke L 304174
Judd GS A V Holyport College A black Heard, Tom + 357691