Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Zac Walsh (65410) Walsh, Zac (346234B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Zac Walsh Walsh, Zac Zac Walsh
Sex M M M
DOB 2009-08-07 2009-08-07 2009-08-07
Club Bolton School Bolton Bolton School
Grading Code 346234B 346234B 346234B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Bolton School B V All Stars A white Kurmanbayev, Dalen W 215806
Bolton School B V Tonbridge School C white Zhao, Justin YQ W 232671
Bolton School A V Reading School A white Wastney, Dylan - 237123
Bolton School A V Tiffin School B white Julia de Pablo, Quique W 251629
Bolton School A V Holyport College A white Chan, Bosco - 304175
Holyport College A V Bolton School B black Guo, Peter L 205935
Urmston GS A V Bolton School A black Crofts, Daniel L 242527