Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Vincent Edwards (84564) Edwards, Vincent (351609L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Vincent Edwards Edwards, Vincent Vincent Edwards
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1963-07-19 1963-07-19
Club Milton Keynes Milton Keynes Bedford
Grading Code 351609L 351609L 351609L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Open University V Milton Keynes C white Solloway, Colin J L 316903
Open University V Luton A white Hudson, Julian W 327496
Open University V Luton B white Mirza, Humayun L 343559
Open University V Milton Keynes A white Ward, George D 357825
Open University V Bedford D white Grimditch, James W 371688
Open University V Milton Keynes C white McNamara, John W 441826
Open University V Bedford D white Griffiths, George W 456796
Open University V Bedford E white McMorran, Richard W 464483
Bedford D V Open University black Cox, Lucian L 313753
Milton Keynes A V Open University black Ward, George L 323204
Milton Keynes C V Open University black McKeon, John E L 366317
Luton B V Open University black Daly, Peter L 373583
Luton A V Open University black O'Brien, Thomas P L 380687
Milton Keynes B V Open University black Heath, Alan L 428321
Luton B V Open University black Vora, Samir L 433534
Bedford C V Open University black Potts, Alexander L 460481