Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Keith C Arkell (74297) Arkell, Keith C (105817E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Keith C Arkell Arkell, Keith C Keith C Arkell
Sex M M M
DOB 1961-01-08 1961-01-08 1961-01-08
Club 4NCL Cheddleton
Grading Code 105817E 105817E 105817E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 1 white Clark, Ian C W 249910
Round 3 white Waddington, Mike P W 249930
Round 5 white Alldritt, Nigel RE W 249950
Round 2 white Zhu, Pengxiao W 367035
Round 4 white Davis, Colin J W 367252
Round 5 white Chua, Sebastien D 367305
Round 2 black Caleshu, Caleb L 249920
Round 4 black Hill, Andy L 249940
Round 1 black Roberts, David L D 366852
Round 3 black Talab, Rami L 367180