Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of John CH Nyman (74326) Nyman, John CH (116344K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name John CH Nyman Nyman, John CH John CH Nyman
Sex M M M
DOB 1960-09-13 1960-09-13 1960-09-13
Club Newton Abbot
Grading Code 116344K 116344K 116344K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 2 white Arnold, Simon D D 249977
Round 4 white Skielnik, Joseph J D 250007
Round 2 white O'Gorman, Brendan D 367145
Round 4 white Blackmore, Joshua P D 367267
Round 3 black de Coverly, Roger D L 249991
Round 5 black Cutmore, Martin J L 250021
Round 3 black Tuson, Jon L 367199
Round 5 black Ingham, H William D 367515