Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Simon Jones (12062) Jones, Simon (285873D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Simon Jones Jones, Simon Simon Jones
Sex M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1963-01-21 1970-01-01
Club Bradford Bradford Bradford
Grading Code 285873D 285873D 285873D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Bradford Spitfires V Legion white Arthur, Adrian L 30837
Round 2 white Fenton, Robert W 35101
Bradford Spitfires V Bingley Bees white McConaghy, Chris W 35348
Bradford 165 V Ilkley A white Browne, Robin F D 41198
Bradford Spitfires V Undercliffe C white Walker, Andrew L 47225
Bradford Spitfires V Legion white Arthur, Adrian D 54550
Bradford Spitfires V Central Darkhorses white Knapton, S L 60053
Round 3 white Walker, Andrew D 65222
Round 4 white Young, Dave D 65355
Bradford Knights V Bradford 166 white Winter, Kevin L 66687
Bradford Spitfires V Central Darkhorses white Drury, Phil D 68401
Bradford Spitfires V Darkhorses white Burton, Stephen D 71911
Bradford Spitfires V Darkhorses white Burton, Stephen W 71914
Heroes & Villans V Shipley Glens white Palframan, Dennis W 71953
Bradford Knights V Ilkley A white Veretennikov, Alexander D 77584
Bradford Spitfires V Bingley Bees white Vijatov, Alex L 81011
Round 2 white Walker, Andrew D 83077
Bradford Spitfires V Shipley A white Greenwood, Paul D 85072
Bradford Spitfires V Undercliffe C white Walker, Andrew L 89729
Round 4 white Pells, Robert L 89950
Heroes & Villans V Central Laners white Edwards, Chris S L 92675
Bradford Spitfires V Ilkley white Crawford, Lee L 127448
Bradford Spitfires V South Bradford B white Farrar, Gordon L 130391
Round 1 white Thompson, Barry D 437369
Undercliffe C V Bradford Spitfires black Thompson, Barry L 34040
Central Darkhorses V Bradford Spitfires black Dhunna, Danavir L 42483
Bingley Bees V Bradford Spitfires black Fenton, Robert L 49000
Round 3 black Walker, Andrew L 49965
Round 4 black Lightowler, Anthony J L 51374
Undercliffe C V Bradford Spitfires black Thompson, Barry L 55609
Central Darkhorses V Bradford Spitfires black Knapton, S L 60060
Round 1 black Crawford, Lee L 65173
Round 2 black Ludlam, Derek L 65190
Shipley A V Bradford Spitfires black Brannan, Peter M L 70496
Round 1 black Waite, Nicholas D 73012
Unbeleiveable Jeff V Heroes & Villans black Toothill, Julian L 73876
Undercliffe C V Bradford Spitfires black Kadzionis, Paul L 75114
Central Darkhorses V Bradford Spitfires black Drury, Phil L 79777
Round 5 black Burton, Stephen N 90709
Round 2 black Singh, Jatinder L 455771