Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Nigel Redmond (13646) Redmond, Nigel (265461B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Nigel Redmond Redmond, Nigel Nigel Redmond
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1967-11-29 1967-11-29
Club Shipley Saltaire Bradford
Grading Code 265461B 265461B 265461B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Shipley B V Central Laners white Colledge, Dave D 30804
Shipley B V South Bradford B white Farrar, Gordon L 35282
Shipley B V Ilkley B white Link, John L 41161
Shipley B V Central Laners white Colledge, Dave L 54600
Shipley A V Undercliffe C white Jewsbury, Ian W 80554
Redmonds V Knights of the Round Table white Davies, Eric P W 85696
Ilkley C V Shipley B black Hall, Graeme L 26528
Ilkley C V Shipley B black Taylor, C Barry L 50624
Shipley A V Shipley B black Parkin, Kenneth W L 60039
Central Darkhorses V Shipley A black Harrington, Steve D 72936
Khan`s Wrath V Redmonds black Mullan, Nick D 92681