Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Michael D Boreham (98404) Boreham, Michael D (210381D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Michael D Boreham Boreham, Michael D Michael D Boreham
Sex M M M
DOB 1947-08-13 1947-08-13 1947-08-13
Club Rolls Royce Derby Rolls Royce Derby
Grading Code 210381D 210381D 210381D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Rolls Royce E V Rolls Royce F white Cureton, Oliver L 425612
Round 1 white Williams, David L 427143
Round 3 white Samra, Mohinderpal W 461277
Wirksworth Feathers V Rolls Royce F black Hall, David L 440039
Round 2 black Bennett, Curtis L 442076
Clay Cross B V Rolls Royce F black Bacon, Andy D 458924
Belper F V Rolls Royce F black Gartside, Jenny L 463805
Derby C V Rolls Royce E black Weighill, Carl L 465784