Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Denis Georgiou (16090) Georgiou, Denis (111157H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Denis Georgiou Georgiou, Denis Denis Georgiou
Sex M M M
DOB 1949-08-19 1949-08-19 1949-08-19
Club Scunthorpe Appleby Frodingham Appleby Frodingham
Grading Code 111157H 111157H 111157H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Kings V Barton white Dew, Jason W 53236
Kings V Archbishops white Wardlaw, Rod S W 53248
Denis Georgiou V William Bazley white Bazley, William W 54645
Kings V Barton white Dew, Mike W 58777
Round 1 white Pratten, Bernard W 69155
Round 3 white Wardlaw, Rod S N 69164
Round 5 white Williams, Glyn G W 69173
Round 7 white Lewis, Steven D 69182
Denis Georgiou V Jo Hutchinson white Hutchinson, Joanne W 69579
Kings V Archbishops white Wardlaw, Rod S W 77000
Round 10 white Stokes, Robert S W 82151
Kings V Archbishops white Wardlaw, Rod S L 91424
Round 8 white Grasham, John N 191335
Round 10 white Kilshaw, Joe N 191346
Round 12 white Liddle, Mike N 191356
Round 2 white Cicuttini, Maximiliano L 191433
Round 5 white Kilshaw, Joe L 191444
Round 7 white Mainwaring, John P D 191455
Round 9 white Pratten, Bernard W 191466
Round 11 white Smart, Stan J W 191477
Round 1 white Pratten, Bernard D 209896
Round 3 white Smart, Stan J W 209906
Round 5 white Williams, Glyn G W 209940
Round 7 white Mainwaring, John P D 209949
Round 9 white Wardlaw, Rod S D 209958
Round 1 white Pratten, Bernard W 210054
Round 4 white Hutchinson, Joanne W 210066
Round 5 white Kilshaw, Joe L 210073
Round 9 white Mainwaring, John P W 210092
Round 12 white Madeo, Joseph W 210108
Round 13 white Smart, Stan J W 210111
Round 16 white Day, John W 210129
Round 17 white Williams, Glyn G D 210130
Round 1 white Smart, Stan J W 301689
Round 2 white Thornton, Declan W 301706
Round 4 white Day, John W 301719
Round 4 white Smart, Stan J D 303557
Round 8 white Williams, Glyn G W 320503
Round 12 white Hutchinson, Joanne L 321053
Round 7 white Mainwaring, John P W 321058
Round 9 white Trafas, Michal W 323478
Round 13 white Trafas, Michal W 323493
Round 15 white Kilshaw, Joe L 323506
Round 22 white Ellis, Rico-Bradley W 325412
Round 18 white Mainwaring, John P W 325467
Appleby Frodingham 1 V St Andrews Hull 1 white Thackray, John D 408933
Barton V Kings black Dew, Jason L 53220
Archbishops V Kings black Wardlaw, Rod S L 53232
Barton V Kings black Dew, Jason L 53244
John Mainwaring V Denis Georgiou black Mainwaring, John P D 54639
John Mainwaring V Denis Georgiou black Mainwaring, John P L 54643
Mike Dew V Denis Georgiou black Dew, Mike L 55506
Steve Lewis V Denis Georgiou black Lewis, Steven L 57910
Archbishops V Kings black Smart, Stan J L 68854
Round 2 black Smart, Stan J D 69158
Round 4 black Crow, Ben N 69169
Round 6 black Mainwaring, John P L 69180
Barton V Kings black Dew, Mike L 79307
Round 8 black Mills, David G N 82144
Round 11 black Hutchinson, Joanne D 82154
Archbishops V Kings black Pratten, Bernard L 82799
Steve Lewis V Denis Georgiou black Lewis, Steven L 85829
Round 4 black Bazley, William N 191311
Round 6 black Day, John N 191324
Round 15 black Nilsson, Adam N 191372
Round 17 black Ryal, Steven N 191385
Round 1 black Williams, Glyn G L 191424
Round 4 black Hutchinson, Joanne D 191443
Round 6 black Lewis, Steven L 191452
Round 8 black Nilsson, Adam D 191461
Round 10 black Ryal, Steven L 191470
Round 2 black Lewis, Steven L 209899
Round 4 black Hutchinson, Joanne D 209910
Round 6 black Kilshaw, Joe L 209946
Round 8 black Madeo, Joseph L 209957
Round 2 black Pratten, Bernard L 210059
Round 3 black Hutchinson, Joanne L 210061
Round 6 black Kilshaw, Joe L 210078
Round 10 black Mainwaring, John P L 210097
Round 11 black Madeo, Joseph D 210103
Round 14 black Smart, Stan J L 210116
Round 15 black Day, John L 210124
Round 18 black Williams, Glyn G L 210135
Round 2 black Smart, Stan J L 301696
Round 1 black Wardlaw, Rod S D 301701
Round 3 black Day, John L 301713
Round 3 black Hutchinson, Joanne L 303554
Round 5 black Pratten, Bernard D 320488
Round 6 black Williams, Glyn G L 320490
Round 7 black Williams, Glyn G D 320498
Round 11 black Hutchinson, Joanne L 321048
Round 8 black Kilshaw, Joe L 323470
Round 10 black Ellis, Rico-Bradley L 323483
Round 14 black Trafas, Michal L 323498
Round 16 black Kilshaw, Joe L 323511
Round 21 black Ellis, Rico-Bradley L 325407
Round 17 black Mainwaring, John P L 325462