Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Bernard Pratten (16093) Pratten, Bernard (117383C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Bernard Pratten Pratten, Bernard Bernard Pratten
Sex M M M
DOB 1957-08-22 1957-08-22 1957-08-22
Club Scunthorpe Appleby Frodingham Appleby Frodingham
Grading Code 117383C 117383C 117383C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Archbishops V Barton white Dew, Mike W 53229
Archbishops V Kings white Lewis, Steven L 53233
Archbishops V Barton white Dew, Jason W 55259
Archbishops V Kings white Mainwaring, John P D 57511
Round 2 white Stokes, Robert S N 69157
Round 7 white Crow, Ben N 69185
Round 9 white Mainwaring, John P N 69194
Round 5 white Smart, Stan J L 82141
Round 11 white Mills, David G D 82155
Archbishops V Kings white Georgiou, Denis W 82799
Archbishops V Barton white Dew, Jason W 86256
Round 2 white Kilshaw, Joe N 191297
Round 4 white Liddle, Mike N 191307
Round 9 white Ryal, Steven N 191340
Round 13 white Bazley, William N 191363
Round 15 white Day, John N 191373
Round 17 white Grasham, John N 191384
Round 1 white Lewis, Steven L 191427
Round 3 white Nilsson, Adam N 191438
Round 6 white Smart, Stan J D 191449
Round 8 white Cicuttini, Maximiliano W 191460
Round 10 white Hutchinson, Joanne D 191471
Round 5 white Hutchinson, Joanne D 209941
Round 7 white Kilshaw, Joe L 209950
Round 9 white Madeo, Joseph L 209959
Round 2 white Georgiou, Denis L 210059
Round 4 white Williams, Glyn G W 210065
Round 5 white Hutchinson, Joanne W 210074
Round 8 white Kilshaw, Joe L 210086
Round 12 white Mainwaring, John P D 210107
Round 13 white Madeo, Joseph L 210112
Round 16 white Smart, Stan J L 210128
Round 17 white Day, John W 210131
Round 2 white Mainwaring, John P L 301697
Round 2 white Hutchinson, Joanne L 301705
Round 5 white Georgiou, Denis D 320488
Round 7 white Kilshaw, Joe L 321057
Round 9 white Ellis, Rico-Bradley W 323477
Round 11 white Wardlaw, Rod S N 323489
Appleby Frodingham 1 V St Andrews Hull 1 white Olukpe, Andrew W 408936
Kings V Archbishops black Mainwaring, John P D 53225
Barton V Archbishops black Dew, Jason L 53240
Kings V Archbishops black Lewis, Steven L 53249
Jason Dew V Bernard Pratten black Dew, Jason L 54652
Barton V Archbishops black Dew, Jason L 57860
Round 1 black Georgiou, Denis L 69155
Round 6 black Wardlaw, Rod S N 69177
Round 8 black Williams, Glyn G L 69188
Kings V Archbishops black Mainwaring, John P L 77001
Barton V Archbishops black Dennington, Robert L 78277
Round 3 black Hutchinson, Joanne D 82139
Round 10 black Lewis, Steven D 82149
Jason Dew V Bernard Pratten black Dew, Jason L 86982
Kings V Archbishops black Lewis, Steven D 91423
William Bazley V Bernard Pratten black Bazley, William L 92556
Round 7 black Nilsson, Adam N 191329
Round 2 black Mainwaring, John P D 191429
Round 5 black Ryal, Steven L 191448
Round 7 black Williams, Glyn G D 191457
Round 9 black Georgiou, Denis L 191466
Round 11 black Kilshaw, Joe L 191475
Round 1 black Georgiou, Denis D 209896
Round 2 black Wardlaw, Rod S L 209898
Round 4 black Smart, Stan J D 209909
Round 6 black Williams, Glyn G D 209945
Round 8 black Mainwaring, John P L 209956
Round 1 black Georgiou, Denis L 210054
Round 3 black Williams, Glyn G L 210060
Round 6 black Hutchinson, Joanne L 210079
Round 7 black Kilshaw, Joe L 210081
Round 11 black Mainwaring, John P L 210102
Round 14 black Madeo, Joseph L 210117
Round 15 black Smart, Stan J L 210123
Round 18 black Day, John L 210136
Round 1 black Mainwaring, John P L 301691
Round 1 black Thornton, Declan L 301702
Round 3 black Smart, Stan J L 303555
Round 4 black Williams, Glyn G L 303556
Round 6 black Mainwaring, John P D 320491
Round 8 black Trafas, Michal L 323471