Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Ilya Dubov (52566) Dubov, Ilya (344682H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Ilya Dubov Dubov, Ilya Ilya Dubov
Sex M M M
DOB 1993-08-03 1993-08-03 1970-01-01
Club Culcheth Culcheth Culcheth
Grading Code 344682H 344682H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Culcheth 4 V Culcheth 3 white Slater, Bryan W 163153
Culcheth 2 V Atherton 1 white Hilton, Tim W 166317
Culcheth 4 V Winwick 3 white Slater, Geoffrey W 169580
Culcheth KC V Atherton KC white Newman, Harry W 174127
Culcheth 3 V Culcheth 4 black Shanahan, Vincent L 142946
Atherton 3 V Culcheth 4 black Deakin, Stephen L 153739
Northwich 1 V Culcheth 2 black Breakspear, Adrian L 165540
Winwick 1 V Culcheth 2 black Stuttard, David L 168802
Northwich 1 V Culcheth 1 black Major, Richard L 170681
Culcheth 1 V Culcheth 2 black Maudsley, Keith D 171121