Haywards Heath 3 v Eastbourne 5

Division 3 Thu 2nd Nov 2023   Verify
BoardHomeHaywards Heath 3Eastbourne 5Away
1 (B) 1731
Klue, Jaco
1 - 0
Wright, John
2 (W) 1361
Bedingham, Jonathan
1 - 0
Holdstock, Peter
3 (B) 0000
Morris, Philip
½ - ½
Finch, Peter
4 (W) 1341
Davey, Alan
½ - ½
Osborne, Keith C
Average11093 - 1Average1421

Last update David Fryer Mon 6th Nov 2023 12:10. Reported by David Fryer Mon 6th Nov 2023 12:10. Verified By Christopher Baldry Mon 6th Nov 2023 19:57


Board 3 - Philip Morris is a new player, a fully paid up member of Haywards Heath Chess Club who lives in Sussex. ECF player code ME042133.

dejan's picture

HH Board #1, Jaco Klue is ECF registered player with grade code 361975J.
Similarly, HH Board #3, Philip Morris is an ECF registered player with grade code 360306E.
There is also confusion betwen P. Morris with ECF grading code 156341F and Philip Morris. I think it is the same person, but it should be double-checked. Considering that P. Morris (whom you linked here) is NOT a member of the the ECF, I would bet that the RIGHT person is Phillip Morris with ECF grade code 360306E, as he is an active ECF member (bronze).
Please update the details. Thanks in advance.

dfryer's picture

I have changed the players so this result should be checked and verified by the captains
Although P.Morris may well be the same person as Philip Morris there are no games on the ECF rating database so no need to combine the two players

I have added Phillip to our club list.