Event: Harrogate Evening League 2018-19

Harrogate Evening League 2018-19

Name Team Performance Score Games Including Defaults Sort descending Excluding Defaults
Pritchard, Paul Knights Of The Square Table 443 1 1 100% 100%
Tatham, Chris Wetherby 538 1 1 100% 100%
Funnel, Cameron Archbishops 467 4 4 100% 100%
Wright, Chris Ilkley 461 4 87.5% 87.5%
Round, Jonathan Knights Of The Square Table 405 4 5 80% 80%
Sheldrick, Frank T Wetherby 385 4 5 80% 80%
Rogerson, Mark W Ilkley 361 3 4 75% 75%
Tate, Richard Empress 225 5 70% 70%
Adam, David W Ilkley 279 2 3 66.67% 66.67%
Gregory, Peter Knights Of The Square Table 170 4 62.5% 62.5%
Swiers, John Woodshifters 187 4 62.5% 62.5%
Harasym, David Archbishops 198 4 62.5% 62.5%
Hughes, Ranyl W Woodshifters 176 4 62.5% 62.5%
Daley, Mark Empress 163 5 50% 50%
Stokes, Mike R Archbishops 162 5 50% 50%
Johnson, Michael Empress 147 5 50% 50%
Ther, Mate Archbishops 164 1 2 50% 50%
Revell, Steven Archbishops 131 5 50% 50%
Thompson, Arthur Ilkley 104 1 2 50% 50%
Harris, Matt Wetherby 102 ½ 1 50% 50%
May, Paul Wetherby 88 2 5 40% 40%
Coop, Brian H Knights Of The Square Table 71 2 5 40% 40%
Zigmond, Andrew Empress -16 2 5 40% 40%
Carrington, Robert Knights Of The Square Table 3 4 37.5% 37.5%
Riddle, Alan Wetherby -90 1 3 33.33% 33.33%
Postill, Jim R Woodshifters -134 ½ 2 25% 25%
Webster, David Ilkley -76 1 4 25% 25%
Marks, E Gordon Woodshifters -102 1 5 20% 20%
Rawcliffe, Peter Woodshifters -142 ½ 4 12.5% 12.5%
McKerracher, Douglas Woodshifters -232 0 1 0% 0%
Halpin, David Wetherby -315 0 5 0% 0%
Hawkins, Martin Ilkley -298 0 3 0% 0%
Chambers, Paul R Knights Of The Square Table -400 0 1 0% 0%